Enabling Mac Trackpad Tap Selection
It's not always convenient to "hard press" the trackpad to select text. Fortunately, macOS provides trackpad options for easier dragging, though they are somewhat hidden.
It's not always convenient to "hard press" the trackpad to select text. Fortunately, macOS provides trackpad options for easier dragging, though they are somewhat hidden.
Just wrote a simple diary plugin for Neovim. I was happy to develop it with Fennel, a language compile to Lua with the flexibility of Lisp syntax.
我们一群人因为某种惩罚,腿部受到限制,被困在一个地方。而后面,一群丧尸正向我 们袭来。于是,我们很紧张地开始要解除腿部的限制,甚至涌现出《电锯惊魂》里要锯断 一条腿才能逃生的恐慌感。但还好,撕开裤脚好像就可以行动了。一群人开始疯狂逃命, 我能感受到身后有人接连被丧尸扑倒。一个丧尸像堆腐烂的破布扑向我,我一脚踢出去, 正好把我腿上的限制装置给甩到它身上,助我逃出生天。
顶着烈日去看了《从21世纪安全撤离》。顺带一提,借由买电影票,从闲鱼了解到一个可以优惠 购票的渠道:微信搜“汪汪电影票”即可,省钱小妙招,送给有缘人。
小时候,手机刚开始普及拍照功能时,我拿着我妈的长虹手机用低劣的画质抓拍了很多奇奇怪怪的场景,每张照片 都会配上一个抓拍时的感受作为标题,还会兴奋地分享这些照片给我姐和小伙伴欣赏。我怀念那时候生动的自己。
ctrl + y
to move the screen up one linectrl + e
to move the screen down one linez + z
to move the current line I’m on to the center of the screenz + t
to move the current line I’m on to the top of the screenz + b
to move the current line I’m on to the bottom of the screen陈丹青悼念亡友的十篇文章,真诚克制,阅读体验一如既往的舒适。 看他的文章如听他说话,娓娓道来,不卑不亢。
偶然间发现一个有意思的网站:English e-Reader。 根据语言等级罗列了很多免费的英文小说,有些还带有声书音频下载。
我这本书只预备给一些“本身已离开了学校,或始终就无从接近学校,还认识些中国文字, 置身于文学理论,文学批评,以及说谎造谣消息所达不到的那种职务上,在那个社会里生 活,而且极关心全个民族在空间与时间下所有的好处与坏处”的人去看。他们真知道当前农 村是什么,想知道过去农村有什么,他们必也愿意从这本书上同时还知道点世界一小角隅 的农村与军人。我所写到的世界,即或在他们全然是一个陌生的世界,然而他们的宽容, 他们向一本书去求取安慰与知识的热忱,却一定使他们能够把这本书很从容读下去的。我 并不即此而止,还预备给他们一种对照的机会,将在另外一个作品里,来提到二十年来的 内战,使一些首当其冲的农民,性格灵魂被大力所压,失去了原来的朴质,勤俭,和平, 正直的型范以后,成了一个什么样子的新东西。他们受横征暴敛以及鸦片烟的毒害,变成 了如何穷困与懒惰!我将把这个民族为历史所带走向一个不可知的命运中前进时,一些小 人物在变动中的忧患,与由于营养不足所产生的“活下去”以及“怎样活下去”的观念和欲望, 来作朴素的叙述。我的读者应是有理性,而这点理性便基于对中国现社会变动有所关心, 认识这个民族的过去伟大处与目前堕落处,各在那里很寂寞的从事于民族复兴大业的人。 这作品或者只能给他们一点怀古的幽情,或者只能给他们一次苦笑,或者又将给他们一个 噩梦,但同时说不定,也许尚能给他们一种勇气同信心!— 题记
To ensure that curl works for requests involving CSRF tokens, activating the curl's cookie engine is necessary.
Advent of Code 2023 Day 18 涉及到求多边形的面积问题, 了解到一个简单的算法:鞋带公式。
I discovered an impressive talk delivered by Andrej Karpathy: Intro to Large Language Models. I found the concept of LLM OS particularly intriguing. It'll be fascinating to see its development in the future.
Buffer, window and tab page are three fundamental concepts in Vim, I've been tinkering with them to support always-open help files or personal notes in a new tab. It has helped me navigate through the sometimes messy APIs.
When I was in the midst of coding my little rust program,
I encountered a perplexing compiler error: expected a closure that implements the Fn trait, but this closure only implements FnMut.
I can understand the
root cause of the error, but I didn't know how to overcome it.
I recently experienced a double-clicking problem with my Logitech mouse. Although happened occasionally, it's annoying. I decided not to troubleshoot the root cause of the problem. I wanted to find a software solution.